Guidance-Stud Books Placed Under Assessment
When the International Stud Book Committee places a Stud Book Under Assessment, it will give notice of this to all Stud Book Authorities and the Executive Office of the IFHA, for onward distribution to IFHA members, and to the relevant regional racing federation, if applicable.
The ISBC will include such detail as it is able, on a case-by-case basis, of how the Stud Book in question had been found not to have complied with its own rules and the extent to which, as a result, the identity and proper recording of horses from that Stud Book are considered to be in doubt. For example, if it believes that there is an issue in respect of certain foal crops only, it will make mention of that.
If and when the review leads to a revision of this assessment, for example that a certain foal crop has now been satisfactorily checked, it will update Stud Book and Racing Authorities via the same routes.
Racing Authorities should be advised that they should:
- treat each such case on its merits
- be mindful of information issued by the ISBC
- liaise with their own Stud Book, as applicable
- make the decision to allow a horse to race or not based upon the information provided by the ISBC Regional Reviewer and its own assessment of each horse
ISBC guidance to its Regional Reviewers will be wherever possible to prioritise the investigation of horses which a Racing Authority has drawn to its attention, because of a wish for that horse to race.